Wow, Summer is here, was here, is fading fast, and not much in the way of blog posts from me. Biggest thing this summer is my new room. The house is really really tiny, so there is simply nowhere for all my stuff. I had bought the cargo container for some of it, but the temperature in there is easily 150, so not practical for books or anything of value. That is some INTENSE heat, you know! Paper starts to turn at about 60 degrees. So, my birthday present to myself (i.e. probably the next three years in debt) is this addition. The slab is 16' x 20', but once you get the frame and drywall, the interior will be more like 15' x 19'. Still, that's 285 square feet more than I had before and more the taxman can charge me for. Oh yeah.
Here we have before photos of the previous cat yard. Following that, I have some photos of the frame of the new room. Also a couple photos of our baby KB. These are NOT the latest pix of the room. In fact, it now has the scratch coat of stucco on it, but I've not seen that yet. I do, however, have the chicken wire pictures that I will post next.
My mother's (wise, really) belief was "you don't need to spend all that money adding on a room; you need to GET RID of a lot of this stuff." Easier to accommodate me than cure me though. Thus, the room is underway.
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Original cat yard from the well side.
Original cat yard, southwest corner.
New room, well side.
New room, west side, from the immediate backyard (really the side yard).
New room from front of house, on left side, looking north.